For the entire 2020-2021 school year the battle around when and how kids will go to school during the pandemic as been a hot topic. Many factors have fueled the flames of this battle, but in person learning has been the launch point for the fight. In West Ada School District the fight to get kids back into school has led to some extremely odd events in the last six months:

  • Delay to the start of the school year.
  • School classes held by the quarter system not semester.
  • School Board Chair Ed Klopenstien resigns as chair yet remains on the board.
  • The first 3 months of education came with multiple changes in attendance.
  • West Ada teachers union organized a sick out and shut down school for days.
  • Parents rights groups organized multiple parent support groups.
  • Entire School Board fought against a parent led recall.
  • Board members Smylie and Newhof resign from the board rather than face a recall election.
  • West Ada Superintendent announces her resignation.
  • Board uses iffy tactics to pick new board members.
  • Board President Amy Johnson admits the board broke open meeting laws.

The main issue for most parents was the lack of an education their kids were getting. Things have gotten so bad that thousands of West Ada students have been pulled from the West Ada School District. It’s not just your normal kids going to their home school either kids that go to popular schools that have specific focuses where they win their spot by a lottery or audition have been pulled from the district, not enrolled in the virtual academy but pulled out many to never return. Most of this comes from the boards lack of ability to stick to a plan that doesn’t destroy West Ada students ability to learn.

Pains of moving back and forth

The constant moving from virtual schoolhouse to class and back again has been a nightmare that parents and kids can’t keep up with. The issues goes beyond keeping up with ever changing schedules when kids move back and forth their work doesn’t seem to be moving with them so kids are playing catchup.

There does seem to be some movement when it comes to the return to in person learning 5 days a week for K-12 students. We have heard rumors prior to today but board trustee Rene Ozuna seems to have broken the silence on social media. for the last couple weeks schools have been is a frenzy to get documentation ironed out and make sure that kids who are leaving for good or virtual school house.

So What Is The Plan

It appears that the plan the district wants to go with is to return to full five days in person K-12 grades at the beginning of the 4th quarter which according to the district calendar would be April 9th to June 10th. Trustee Ozuna says that this is the plan because staff have not gotten vaccinated yet and that she wants to wait until the staff have had both doses of the vaccine then a 2 week waiting period so that it can become effective. Trustee Ozuna did not say how much of the staff she expects to get vaccinated.

What does concern many parents is that the union could drag out getting the vaccine to make it near impossible to return middle and high school students to full in person learning this school year. West Ada Education Association has been having planning meetings with staff at schools to plan out how they are going to deal with yet another attempt to force teachers to return kids to the classroom.

23 responses to “West Ada Plans to Return to Full In Person Instruction Leaked”

  1. This is crap, the education union doesn’t control vaccines! And many teachers have already had their first dose. This is so biased it might as well be written by Sara Brady and David Phillips… gross.


      1. I still don’t know this person, however, the quote is interesting, “David Currently writes the blog for Rialto Now. This blog is used to bring the positive side…” More like the misinformation and jaded side. Similar to the National Inquirer and Daily Mail?


      2. So the parents are just supposed to sit back and bend to your will no matter how much it is hurting our kids?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Please write factual information versus fiction. Life isn’t easy, but you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get to work. If we work together anything can be accomplished. There are no easy answers, especially in a pandemic year, this is a worldwide disaster. Be the positive in a world of negativity. Walk in someone else’s shoes. My favorite rule, the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” These are things I keep in mind as a parent. It isn’t easy, but I understand the district is attempting to navigate uncharted waters. Being judgmental and spreading rumors is not productive for our children.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. What did I write that was untrue?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah here enters the trolls who comment but won’t leave their real name


      1. Donald J. Trump Avatar
        Donald J. Trump

        Like you used a real name, riato now?


      2. That is the name of my other blog


      3. Totally not anonymous if I use the name of a website right? Avatar
        Totally not anonymous if I use the name of a website right?

        What are you talking about “Rialto Now”


      4. Yes, people could lose their jobs. Be understanding. Also, think about how cruel people are online. They become like a mob and don’t treat others as humans. Pretty upsetting our freedom of speech isn’t really free to all.


    2. The article above has information that is a bit disappointing and disturbing. It makes it sound like Westada employees don’t care about children. Many of us are parents too. This isn’t parents against staff, we need to build trust and work together. First, there is not a conspiracy to derail the school year. Education is tricky this year because every child is behind. Personally, it has been much better this quarter with the Monday remote & every other day learning for my own children. I like the smaller class-sizes. They are in a routine now. I’m glad elementary goes every day. Although that has not been perfect either. I agree, some kids may need to go every day if they are falling behind. Maybe this could be an option. Secondly, the school year was delayed due to lack of technology arrival and staff having very little training. To change things 4th quarter would be detrimental. In addition, you will be bring in more than 30 per class. Thirdly, Westada has actually been gaining students, which has been problematic for many schools. Lastly, vaccines are a personal choice. Some teachers & staff are still waiting to get it and I know others, who are not actually in the Teachers’ Association, who are not getting the vaccine. Even with the vaccine it doesn’t mean teachers & staff are safe. Dr. Pate says there are 4 new strains, we don’t know how these will impact kids. Now with 1 out of 2 shots of the vaccine, if I get it, I might not know and could potentially pass on to my students and their families. Even with both shots this could occur. It’s sad that misinformation and rumors are being spread around. How is this helping student learning when you write an article where you pit people against each other?


      1. I’m glad the teachers like the new schedule parents don’t. Sorry you don’t like it but this is a battle between concerned parents and the school. My kids education is so screwed up it’s not funny. This became a fight when the teachers did a sick out and the board flipped off parents.


      2. I’m a parent of two in WASD on this hybrid schedule. It was a big change, however, they are now in a routine and doing very well. English is definitely more challenging because of the senior project. Both of my kids are over 3.0 GPAs, this is through their hard work, school isn’t easy for either of them. They are learning self-advocacy and communicating with their teachers. Extremely important as college is next year for one. My oldest has also lectured the youngest about study habits. It’s actually been nice to see my kids be more independent. My husband and I both work, they are home learning on their own.


    3. Yes, thankfully Brad Little viewed teachers as essential and we now have a choice.


  2. Balogna's Friend Avatar
    Balogna’s Friend

    That’s funny because “rialto-now” is definitely your Christian name.


  3. So, the last line in this about the WAEA is fallacious. I wish people would check their sources and stop lying to the public. It does nothing but sow animosity and creates chaos in a time when we need to pull together and have some form of clarity moving forward.


    1. Ah in walks Mr sick out to hurt kids. Nice to see you crawl out from under your rock


      1. Do you know how many were legitimately ill and couldn’t get coverage? It is still a problem. We’ve had classes have a different substitute every day without coverage for half of the time. How is this great for students? Don’t our kids deserve better?


  4. I’d like to point out that David Phillips engaged in a private conversation with a school board member, the school board member openly discussed what her priorities are and what she cares about. Then a small part of that conversation was taken out of context, and presented as a plan that was “leaked”. For the record, there is no plan, and David Phillips clearly can not and should not be trusted. He will throw you firmly under the bus at his earliest convenience.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds like trustee Ozuna trying to deflect under an assumed fake identity.

      So how much trust are parents supposed to give board members that refer to them as trash from the dias and allow teachers to bash their kids verbally?

      Liked by 1 person



    1. Thanks for adding to our traffic we love it when the union shows its true colors


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